Privacy is of the utmost importance to most people. We are making every effort to respect people's privacy throughout our efforts.
On the "People" page, a list is provided of the Class of '72 members who were pictured in the yearbook. For privacy, the list was scanned in as a picture, rather than as text, for this website (so it will be much harder for "web-bots" to even see a person's name. Similarly, the "Photos" page has pictures from the 1969-70 BHS Yearbook. So, any names that appear are as images rather than as text within the website. Unless otherwise notified, it will be assumed that (you) do not want your full name used (as text, like this) other than within an image [not typed in as text (like this)].
To help people figure out who has not been reached, we may want to use clues for people's names (last name initials, or 2-3 letters, as clues), on a page which is easier to update (because it's text instead of a picture) to summarize status; what we know of people's intention to attend, already-been-contacted status, etc.
If (you) don't want your intendee status to be included in updates, PLEASE let us know (through the Contact Us mechanism, below).
(The reason for dealing with any of this in the first place is to help people know whether people have been contacted about the event or not, in case they might want to attend.)
Thanks for your help and understanding.