Sadly, these people are no longer with us...
Dave Larry Amsel
Douglas Andrews
Michael Baker
Doug Baldwin
William Beall
Sue Beaudoin
Amy Benton
Mike Bonneau
Steve Brittain
Dinah Bundy
Pam Chaitin
Mike Cloonan
Eli Cowan
Bill Croninger
Susan Darwood
Mark Davis
Leonard Dawson
James Denman
Diane Doemer
Dennis Donlon
Brad Downey
Thomas Downie
Jeffrey Eder
Sheree Edwards
Peggy Erickson Togal
Dave Fons
Bonnie Gibbs
Dan Glucklick
Arnie Goodman
Bob Gravelle
George Hall
Ed Hammer
Kathy Harrison Woods
Thomas Helbling
Fred Herbst
Rhonda Hicks
David Hobbs
Connie Hoemke
Gary Holly
William Hopp
Irving Hordes
Doris Hulett
Richard Janney
Dale Jones
Mike Judge
Timothy Jurmu
Irwin Kole
Debbie Krivak
Kenneth Kubiski
Mike Lampela
Leslie Laucke
Kathy Letourneau Centanni
Tom Lipke
Shelley Loftus-Kubina
Beverly Lyles (Sabotka)
Frank Malek
Barry Markowitz
Alan McCready
Cynthia McMillan
Nancy McNeal
Marty Mertz
Fred Mikula
Mike Miller
Diane Moonen
Leonard Moss
Vince Moyer
Becky Newton
Peter Nicholaou
James Oakes
Paul Ordin
Neil Osborn
Catherine Padgett
David Parkhill
Lenny Porter
Donald Reiff
Paul Renaud
Carole Richardson
Gerard Riha
Marc Robbins
Jack Rosin
Linda Saro
Cynthia Sawyer Gates
Robert Schwartz
Mike Seros
Marilyn Smigelski Stankovich
Dwayne Smith
Jay Smith
Chuck Stewart
Greg (O'Sullivan) Sullivan
Kenneth Vick
Jim Vahalek
Barry Weisz
Larry Willer
David Williams
Bill Williamson
Debbie Williamson
If any of this is incorrect, or you know of anyone else, please let us know.
This needs updating (my apologies).
So sorry to report that it appears that we have lost a few more classmates in the past couple years or so, including Cathy Padgett, Neil Osborn and Thomas Downie (most recently), Dale Jones, Frank Malek, Mike Seros, Shelley Loftus-Kubina, David Hobbs, and Mike Judge. We were informed of three other losses, from longer ago: Kathy Letourneau Centanni, Marilyn Smigelski Stankovich, and David Williams. We were previously informed of the losses of Peggy Erickson Togal, Douglas Andrews, Amy Benton, Cynthia Sawyer Gates, William Hopp, Timothy Jurmu, Tom Lipke, James Oakes, Beverly Lyles (Sabotka), and Kenneth Vick. They will all be greatly missed. Very sad.
[The following pictures were taken from the 1972 Yearbook, unless otherwise noted.
Sorry the pictures are not totally in alphabetical order, but at least they are alphabetical in three chunks, with the latest losses included in the first of them. (It is extremely slow to move these pictures around, the sizing and spacing is uneven, sorry...)
Sorry this is as crude as it is, but at least it's something.
Very sorry we have lost so many already.]
Deepest sympathies to everyone's families and friends. Rest In Peace.